Katie's Story - Connected Worlds
This video is age-restricted and only available on youtube Katie's story told on video. A survivor of suicide who’s mental...
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This video is age-restricted and only available on youtube Katie's story told on video. A survivor of suicide who’s mental...
There’s no shame in asking someone for support if you’re feeling low or stressed. Everyone goes through patches where they don’t feel as good as they should.
Submission guidelines Submit a StoryI love my wife, she’s my best friend. We’re generally happy and have a lovely family. For the majority of...
A woman condemned Still in the hope she Will be free to transcend? Seeking absolution for a mistaken sin Not...
Since being a child I have struggled with anxiety and had spells of depression. These spells of anxiety and confusion...
"We are living in challenging and uncertain times but we firmly believe that from adversity can come creativity. Our city...
Someone said to me the other day that they were interested in how some people survive trauma/abuse and come through...
The rain came down and the levee broke The straw broke the camel’s back Camelot disintegrated into war and enmity...
At the University of Sheffield there is a very special community of students who are working to increase awareness of...
The Bossy One Fell I laughed to-day, O Father when one of the nurses fell, they said it was inappropriate, I obviously...
Connecting online One of the great things about the internet for people with mental health issues is the possibility for...
I came to Sheffield in 2010 and spent my first year here just staying indoors. I didn’t know a lot...