Kathryn Littlewood: Perfect Storm
There is a certain amount of judgement when people ask, ‘Why have you done that?’ The right questions would be,...
Access Keys or Accesskeys allow a computer user to immediately jump to a specific part of a web page via the keyboard.
Using a colour overlay can help those who have dyslexia or visual distress. You can customise our website here to suit your needs.
Sheffield Flourish is a charity that works collaboratively on innovative digital and community projects, recognising the untapped strengths of people who’ve experienced mental health challenges.
Our other websites include:
Sheffield Mental Health Guide
My Toolkit
Sheffield Suicide Support and Prevention
There is a certain amount of judgement when people ask, ‘Why have you done that?’ The right questions would be,...
📅 11 Oct 2024. 🕡 18:30 - 23:00. 📍Corpration Sheffield. Flourish Festival is a A World Mental Health Day Celebration. Celebrate World...
Your art submissions needed for the 'Better Connected' Community Art Exhibition. We are excited to announce the call for artwork...
Join us for workshops run by professional artists inspired by this year's 'Better Connected' art exhibition theme. Throughout September we're...
The Learning Space is designed to enable people to access mental health friendly courses, workshops and learning opportunities in Sheffield.
'Sheffield & Hallamshire County FA have partnered with Sheffield City Region charity ‘Sheffield Flourish’ to operate the previously named ‘Good...
Connected Worlds run storytelling and art-based courses to connect people and provide a creative space for them to tell and transform their stories of everyday life.
Open Door Music is a mental health friendly group where people get together to jam, socialise, build friendships and pursue musical ambitions
Oasis is a mental health friendly gardening and food growing enterprise, welcoming people from all walks of life.
CAST is a friendly group of artists, writers and people who want to try out being creative for the first time.
Brunsmeer Awareness FC is a mental health friendly football club running weekly sessions for men and women. The club friendly and fun kick-abouts, as well as competing in our league and offering training opportunities.