Angles; a spoken word poem.
"Angles is a spoken word poem that communicates some of the frustration with how mental illness, particularly eating disorders, are...
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"Angles is a spoken word poem that communicates some of the frustration with how mental illness, particularly eating disorders, are...
Delving into Sheffield Flourish’s theme of ‘You are what you eat’, Becky Mairi Farrell lets her body speak. You...
I wanted to tell you a story. I wanted to tell you about a little girl. I wanted to call...
"Fruit Pastilles is a spoken word poem that highlights some of the struggles not only of physical recovery, but also...
The story isn't keeping my attention, mostly because there's very little story. A young woman confined to bed in a...
"Ex nihilo" is a Latin phrase meaning "out of nothing". It often appears in conjunction with the concept of creation,...
Psychosis Untethered from my past and cast adrift I reach for the profound and loose footing on the earth Unable...
"Dear Cosmo is an open letter to Cosmopolitan magazine. It reinterprets their ‘dating advice’ from the perspective of someone with...
"Travelling Light is a spoken word poem that highlights some of the coping mechanisms someone living with an eating disorder might...
He liked a drink, my Dad. I never thought of him as an alcoholic but he was certainly a drinker....