What's happening at Sheffield Flourish?

We need your art!

We need your art!

We are excited to announce our annual exhibition theme: Urban Nature. As you may know (no worries if you don't!)...

Oasis: We are recruiting!

The Oasis Gardening team is small, but you’ll be joining us at a time of growth for our business. We’re excited...

Report called The Mental Health Journey: Stories from users of Mental Health services in Sheffield

Mind The Gap

Mind the Gap was a collaborative project between Sheffield Flourish and Healthwatch Sheffield. The aim was to identify the gaps...

Wanted: CAST Co-ordinator Volunteer

Wanted: CAST Co-ordinator Volunteer

CAST are looking for a new Co-ordinator Volunteer to join their team. This is a great opportunity to get involved in leading the Monday Art Group and shaping how the service is delivered