Celebrating our digital partners!

An ode to Hive IT and Little Mester’s <3

If you’ve been involved with Sheffield Flourish, or have even come across us then you might know that we’re big on all things digital.

We run four different websites: Sheffield Flourish, where we have over 350 local mental health stories, the Sheffield Mental Health Guide, a directory where you can search for mental health services and activities, My Toolkit, an online wellbeing toolkit that you can use however benefits you, and Sheffield Support and Prevention, a directory of support services for those who are having suicidal thoughts or feelings, supporting someone, or who are bereaved by suicide.

We’re proud to say that all of these websites have been co-designed with people who have lived experience of mental health, hence why you might see the tagline ‘rooted in our community’ alongside our name, Sheffield Flourish.

Running four different websites comes with its challenges. As a team, we all ‘get’ digital and we enjoy it! We’re good at it, we develop ideas with others and see them through and many of us visit, edit and add to the website however, we need the experts to build and develop the website.

This is where Hive IT comes in. Hive has our back and has built, worked on, and supported all four of our websites and we completely appreciate our great partnership with them.

Robyn recently caught up with Tom from Hive IT where she talks about how and why she got involved with Sheffield Flourish, why we love working with Hive IT who share similar values and how we can use digital to do good (podcast below!)

Tom also got us reflecting on where we want to be, and whilst we are celebrating our digital partners, we need to give a massive shout-out to Little Mesters. We openly asked the internet recently if there was any social media training, as we want to up our game on social media.

Social media storytellers, Little Mesters, got in touch with us after this shout-out to offer us their free time to work with us and guide us throughout the next year on our social media! (I know?!)

We have a lot going on here at Sheffield Flourish, as well as our websites we have our groups (and if you watch the video below, Robyn decribes how hard it is to capture just how lovely the culture feels within these groups!) and we also have many great partnerships and projects going on around Sheffield, including projects around race equity, involvement in developing Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS Foundation Trusts Engagement and experience strategy, an art exhibition coming up (keep your eyes peeled) and many many more projects!! By Little Mester’s offering their time to help us, we are hoping you will be able to see and understand more about what we do and our values on social media!

If you’re interested in finding out more, watch this podcast with Hive who have plenty more episodes about how we can use digital to do good:

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