Hannah’s Story
Hannah’s story Age: 30 I became depressed in my early teens when I was looking after my mum who was...
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Hannah’s story Age: 30 I became depressed in my early teens when I was looking after my mum who was...
https://youtu.be/yLEU5ecHpPM My wife was a full-time carer before I was diagnosed with dementia and now she looks after me. Elaine...
Lauren please stop trying to fight this. What is happening to you now you’ve got for the long run kid...
I (Ruth) have suffered with my mental health as a result of the coronavirus situation, which isn’t surprising because I...
When you are struggling and suffering from depression, it can be hard to gain a different perspective and see alternatives...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23_9cFtGg8M Kat Love: On Being Black, Chinese and Queer
There are days when I am sad There is me, and there is sadness We sit side by side, and...
I have been suffering from depression since being a child due to bullying in high school. I fight this every...
For those who don’t know, two years ago I made the soul-wrenchingly liberating decision to say “enough is enough, treat...
“Are you sitting comfortably …” “The courage it takes to share your story might be the very thing someone else...