Chris Lynam: Flourish With Flourish
The Sheffield Flourish writing group is aptly named. I always had a passion for writing but never much direction or...
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The Sheffield Flourish writing group is aptly named. I always had a passion for writing but never much direction or...
Lauren please stop trying to fight this. What is happening to you now you’ve got for the long run kid...
Sunday slumped stuffed to brim slobbing on sofaJoin a gym get involved in snobby yogaSteamy hot bathForget to vapeForget I’m...
My phone broke a few days ago. It breathed its last techno breath and gave up, ready to be recycled...
I’ve waited about six months to write this down. It comes at a time of national emergency and enforced lockdown,...
Having a drink problem can happen to anybody. You might think ‘I am not that kind of person, I wasn’t...
My name is Lucy, I am ‘in recovery’ from anorexia. My BMI is too low, not disastrously so - I...
He liked a drink, my Dad. I never thought of him as an alcoholic but he was certainly a drinker....