Shea McArdle: Single, Alone, Alive

Shea McArdle’s story is testament that recovery and happiness can follow the trauma of break-up. Writing (a book) of her experience has been key to finding that alone is not loneliness and that life can transcend despair.

Shea McArdle
Single, Alone, Alive book cover

So my story is actually a story.

Once upon a time I said to a few people close to me “I want to do something to help people who are struggling because of their breakup”. I became single at 25. almost 26, the first time single in my entire adult life. My whole world fell apart along with my mental health.

In June of this year I published my first book: Single, Alone, Alive. My journey from heartbreak to happiness.

I spent Lockdown 1.0 writing and writing and writing and my journal soon turned into something bigger.

My book is a reflection of how I’ve got to where I am today. The transition from heartbroken to happy – something I never thought I’d be able to say.

I always said I wanted to donate a proportion of my book’s proceeds to a mental health charity. Flourish stood out to me: the fact that they are a local charity; one of their key topics is relationships; and they encourage individuals to share their stories – essentially the premise of my book.

I won’t lie, 2020 has been challenging but one thing I will take away is that writing is an extremely carthartic and healing experience.

I won’t give too much away but Tyrese Gibson was right when he said: “you really do grow through what you go through”.

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