Community Stories: A letter to.......

  • 2 min read

For our August theme we invited our community to tell us about the letter they always wanted to write...

Community Stories: A letter to.......

Words are powerful things. Sometimes just writing something down can help make your mind feel lighter. Other times it can help you feel more certain, more grounded and more confident in finding your way forward. However we don’t always have the opportunity to say what we want to say to someone. Maybe it’s just too hard, maybe you’ve lost touch, or maybe they’re no longer with us. That doesn’t mean you can’t still use words for healing. In August our monthly theme was ‘A letter to…’; an opportunity for you to write that letter you’ve always wanted to.

We had some excellent story submissions, and we also invited our community to share their thoughts through social media. We had some excellent responses, with lots of people writing to their younger selves:

“Tell someone… don’t go through it alone… you WILL be believed!!” – Moon Willow

“I’d write to the girl who was in an abusive relationship – the girl who was so frightened to leave – my past self. To be kind, to be strong, to be humble, and to be nice to herself. You are worth something. (Past) I am worth something. (Now)” – thisgirlcan

“Not to care too much about what people think about you. You can never please all of the people all of the time so the most important thing is to think about what makes you happy and follow that.” – Elesha

“When you have the idea to move away. Just go. Seriously. Do it!” – Kitty

Don’t trust too easily or love too lightly
Go with your gut, don’t listen to society.
Be straight and honest in all that you do
Tolerate the fakers, but think things through.
Challenge yourself, escape the comfort zone
Revel in the knowledge that we are never truly alone.
Travel widely, open you mind
To new experiences as yourself you find.
Don’t hold or amass material goods
Life is too short for ifs and coulds.
Be kind, both to yourself and those around
Revel in your mistakes; learn from consciousness newfound.
Support your family, keep them near
Don’t let doubt fill you with fear.
Expand your mind with wonderment and joy
Remember life is for living, it is not a toy. – Janine

“A letter to my younger self, I’m never sure which ‘me’ I would write to; going through first significant depressive phase (late teenage years), starting University, or a couple of years ago.

I’d want to write one to my son, stored away with vital paperwork.” – Simon
“Don’t spend all your money on beer and get fat again. Find the right person before moving in together. Fitness and nutrition are key in life. Help the people who are more unfortunate than yourself. Most important enjoy life. Letter to my younger self.” – Christopher

And one of our community shared this lovely quote graphic:

letter to self

What would you write to your younger self? Let us know in the comments below

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