Opening our exhibition, 'A Door to Somewhere'

Elesha with her work

Chrissie Hinde, who does an incredible job of leading our creative arts group CAST, talks about this year’s CAST exhibition. This year the exhibition was spearheaded by talented curator Charly Calpin, with support from Sheffield Flourish and our brilliant CAST volunteers. 

This October CAST celebrated Sheffield Mental Health Week with an exhibition themed ‘A Door to Somewhere’ at 35 Chapel Walk Gallery.

It was beautifully curated by Charly Calpin, who works for Rainbow Heron, and assisted by Jo Eckersley from Sheffield Flourish.

Our supercool Sheffield Lord Major, Magid Magid helped launch the exhibition on Tuesday 16th October. Many of CAST’s dear supporters also attended the launch night including Kevan Taylor (CEO of Sheffield Health and Social Care). Kevan has been a stalwart supporter of CAST since it started in 2009 and has attended all nine of its annual exhibitions.

Much appreciation goes to Keith Lindsay for securing funds for the exhibition from Mary Hearnshaw Trust and the Freshgate Trust, and for these trusts in their support of our work.

The exhibition ran for six days with creative workshops and a range of great art. Here is some of the feedback from visitors:

‘I’ve always admired CAST for its inclusive and respectful ways of working. It’s great to see that the group is still providing opportunities for people to express their creativity.’

‘Great exhibition. Wonderful seeing people express how they feel.’

‘Very diverse and interesting. Great to see a creative support for mental health’

‘Very creative and super lovely to walk round. Brilliant that it’s for mental health.’

‘A most excellent time was had by me. Do keep up the good work.’

A deep bow of appreciation goes to Charly and Jo from CAST for their hard graft, creative flair, good humour and dedication. We applaud you.

Thank you to everyone who helped make it such an excellent week.


Here are some photos of the work:

Jennifer, Miranda and Jess' work Emily's work Jennifer's work More artwork Steven Leggot's Endcliffe Park landscape more artwork more artwork more artwork more artwork more artwork more artwork more artwork more artwork more artwork more artwork more artwork more artwork more artwork more artwork more artwork more artwork more artwork more artwork more artwork more artwork more artwork

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