Suicide prevention: a big conversation

This year we’re really honoured to be one of the Lord Mayor’s charities of the year. Lord Mayor Magid Magid approached us at the end of August to see if we would like to be involved in some ideas he had for marking World Suicide Prevention Day. Although we know there is already plenty happening in the city, we saw this as an opportunity to bring people together to share information and ideas. So, we invited 100 people to join us on September 10th for a big conversation.

We were really pleased to be joined by people from all different walks of life who care about preventing suicide, and some really important conversations were had. We’ve now collected together everything that was written down, and put it into a big presentation..

Our next step is to see if we can take this energy forward, particularly focusing on how we can support individuals in Sheffield to support others. Along with members of Sheffield’s Suicide Prevention Steering Group, we’re hoping to put together some plans. If you’d like to be kept up-to-date with what we do going forward you can sign up to our email list.

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South Yorkshire Memorial Service

South Yorkshire Memorial Service

South Yorkshire Memorial Service. An inclusive service for those affected and bereaved by suicide, to remember and reflect, all welcome.