The Story of Recovery Enterprises

15 June 2015

Written by Pam Stirling, Chair, Recovery Enterprises


 We formed Recovery Enterprises in 2012 in response to groups already running in mental health services who wanted more independence. It was timely, because I was retiring from the NHS and felt that there were different ways of ‘doing mental health recovery’. We held some workshops with interested people who had clinical and/or lived experience of mental health conditions. Our purpose was and is to help people with mental health conditions recover a life that has meaning, value and satisfaction. And to do this through enabling and making different experiences in creative and innovative activities.

Early on we got encouragement and help from the Sheffield Health and Social Care Foundation Trust. RE was formed as a charitable company limited by guarantee in 2012 with the explicit aim of attracting new and different people and responses to Recovery. Lived experience of mental health recovery lies at the core of the enterprise.

Many people and organisations have since got involved in our journey; Human Studio, University of Sheffield , StoryingSheffield and the Big Lottery Fund to name a few.

We have already supported many volunteers and enterprises including Andrew Hudson, CAST and OASIS. Do check out the Enterprise section on our website to find out more.  

I’ve learned a lot over the last 3 years: how many resourceful colleagues I have in board members and volunteers and how hard it is to get the sort of funds we need to provide support for enterprising ideas. But mostly how much has been gained from coming at problems collectively and from new angles.

A heartfelt thank you to all the people who have put resources, thought, time and energy into Recovery Enterprise so far. I am very much looking forward to the next stage of development as we begin to blend in online resources through our digital wellbeing hub into our work at Recovery Enterprise.

Pam Stirling

Chair, Recovery Enterprises

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