Zelda: Yesterday

  • 1 min read
  • BPD

The extreme changes of mood experienced in borderline personality disorder are vividly described here by Zelda in her ‘day in the life of’ story.

yesterday image

Borderline personality disorder is a funny beast. This was written on a day I couldn’t function, just after a day in which I was wonder woman. Inconsistency is my middle name.

You should have seen me yesterday. Yesterday I jumped out of bed before my alarm. I was an email-answering, house-cleaning, plan-making machine. Yesterday I ran a half marathon just to see if I could, and celebrated with a cold shower to help save the world. I was so early to my meetings I stopped to pick flowers. I smiled at strangers in the street, everyone was happy to see me. And I was thrilled to be spreading joy just by being. Yesterday I was clever and witty, assertive yet approachable. I read half a novel over a lunch of fresh salad and practiced French whilst doing yoga. I played the violin so beautifully the neighbours applauded and I cooked my loved ones the finest meal they had ever seen. Yesterday I was so bright the stars came out to watch me shine and as I meditated before bed I prayed to the God within me that today would be the same.

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