Jessica Gibson: What a Beautiful Day for the Cat Café (‘Tabby Teas' Review)

  • 3 min read

Jess visits Sheffield's first cat cafe and gives us the lowdown on the residents there. Cat cuddles and cake; that's proper therapy.

cat playing with reporters notebook

On my way from Crookes to Tabby Teas there’s a spring in my step and spring in the air. After what feels like the longest of winter of winters, the sun has appears and I’m so ready to go get myself some furry cuddles!! Although things do feel more manageable for some when the sun is out, I’ve not had the best of mornings; a doctors appointment that wasn’t the most pleasant I’ve had and a ‘tiff’ with my partner has left me crying 20 minutes before I had to leave. “Well…”, I say to myself as I wipe away some tears, “where better to be going to soothe my mood than a café full of feline compadres?” and I give myself a few minutes, some pep talk and I leave.

I walk into Tabby Teas and immediately I’m greeted by one of the café’s biggest stars! Olaf! He is known for his funky hair do and ever so fluffy ears so is instantly recognisable from the website. As Helen (the lady at the desk who greets you and signs you in) is trying to to sign me in, it seems that Olaf is ready to take on his role as admin assistant as he sprawls across the desk and struts his stuff all over the keyboard – obviously trying to help Helen along and let it be known he’s the boss!

It’s very quiet today at Tabby Teas so I get the chance to choose where I want to sit. Usually, if it’s busier, then the staff help you to find a seat so it’s not overcrowded with people and cats. I park myself on a window bench and find I’m sat with a chilled out kitty named Tripod – who only has three legs (hence the name). She’s lying on the windowsill soaking up all the lovely sun, as are all of her pals today.

I look around to see so many cardboard castles and scratchy skyscrapers and it’s like I have landed in a little chunk of kitty cat heaven. As I’m chatting to Helen she tells me that there are 10 rescue cats in total and most have come from Millhouse Animal Sanctuary. As I go to grab my writing things to make notes, I see my bag is being inspected by a fluffy, ginger house member named Jiggles. He helps me to retrieve my pen and notepad and I start to make some notes about Tabby Tea’s and all of its residents.

Tabby Teas is mostly rescue cats plus one temporary visitor named Prince, who is a lodger for a couple of months whilst his house is being renovated. At the café there are lots of sweet treats to get your paws on to go alongside with your tea/coffee and petting. I decide to skip the caffeine and go straight to sugar overload with a cookie dough cheesecake (which happens to be Olaf’s favourite and so I am notified in advance!). There’s no music playing in the café, which makes it ever so peaceful and sometimes, you get to hear the loud purring of Vince who is a bit deaf so can’t hear himself as he snores.

With the chilled out vibe, awesome cake, and lots of furry cuddles I am instantly feeling much brighter than I was this morning, especially after having some snuggles with Domino who is a black and white feline who’s very much in touch with peoples feelings – and it’s still pretty bright outside too! If anyone ever felt like they needed some ‘cat therapy’ (which I’m told by the staff at Tabby Teas is a real thing! Look it up, I’m not kidding), then I’d recommend heading down during quiet periods on a Wednesday or Thursday daytime to get your dose of fluffy cuddles!

Contact details:
7 Cemetery Road, Sheffield, S11 8FJ.

Mon: Closed
Tues-Fri: 11am – 6pm
Sat-Sun: 10am – 6pm

Tabby Teas logo

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