“….learning to have a more mindful attitude and accept things as they come, try not to worry and fret too much about the things that I can’t control and focus in the things I can..”
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Ben Dorey is a Board Director of Recovery Enterprises, a Recovery Education trainer, Poet and DJ to name a few of his talents!
“….learning to have a more mindful attitude and accept things as they come, try not to worry and fret too much about the things that I can’t control and focus in the things I can..”
Delving into Sheffield Flourish’s theme of ‘You are what you eat’, Becky Mairi Farrell lets her body speak. You...
She She used to be my friend She was never really big on compliments but we got on well enough....
A woman condemned Still in the hope she Will be free to transcend? Seeking absolution for a mistaken sin Not...