People Driven Digital Health and Well-being White Paper #PdDigital15


Recovery Enterprises is delighted to have contributed to an excellent white paper on people driven digital health and well-being which has been published today by mHabitat.

The paper is the result of an excellent creative and coproduced offline and online process which was led by social innovators who have experience of accessing services exploring together the question; ‘How can we unleash people driven digital health and well-being’.

It highlights the value of ground up innovations, joining up the dots, co-production, getting the basics right and providing the right support for innovators as important to creating the conditions where people driven digital can flourish.

Recovery Enterprises would like to thank Mhealthhabitat, Big White Wall, Comic Relief, University of Leeds and Leeds City Council for agreeing to support us through the related People driven digital innovation fund. We will be collaborating with Patient Opinion, Sue Sibbald, Storying Sheffield, Human Studio, Tinder Foundation and others to explore how we might work as a partnership to support people with mental health problems to flourish through using blended offline and digital resources.

If you are interested in finding out more or getting involved in the Sheffield Flourish Partnership please contact Roz Davies [email protected]

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