Together Women Project talk about ‘role models’ for International Women’s Day!

  • 2 min read

Jess Gibson asked the women at Together Women Project what they thought about role models, who do they look up to and what makes a good role model to them? The following report is a mixture of responses from many of the women; here is what she found out…

Together Women Project talk about ‘role models’ for International Women’s Day!

What does the word ‘role model’ mean to you?

‘A role model is somebody who inspires and motivates, somebody who listens and has a positive impact. Somebody who encourages people to be the best person they can be and somebody that you admire and aspire to be like.’

What do you think makes a good role model?

‘Kindness, empathy, and confidence! Somebody who is real, honest and listens without judgement. Women who are strong, humble and confident in their ability to do good.’

If there was one celebrity you could choose as a role model, who would it be and why?

‘Mary Berry because I think she is kind.’

‘Angelina Jolie because of her inspirational work for humanity.’

‘Ru Paul! He has worked extremely hard to break into television and he has changed the world of drag.’

‘Deborah Frances White has given a voice and platform to many brilliant women.’

‘I don’t really buy into celebrities as role models because their image has often been manipulated by mediums to portray what they want it to be, not what it actually is.’

Do you have an example of when somebody was a good role model for you?

‘My manager understands my issues and she helps me to learn a lot.’

‘A worker who once said to me “it matters not if you fall, what does matter is that you have the ability to get back up!”’

‘My Mother has always been the person I look up to.’

‘My best friends who have such different lived experiences and have suffered different pressures.’

Do you see yourself as a role model to anybody?

‘Yes, my younger siblings and my friends.’

‘My children.’

‘To a number of women whom I work with day to day!’

Together Women Project helps vulnerable women work towards positive futures, working with them in safe, women-only spaces. We provide practical and emotional support for women with multiple and complex needs around issues such as health, debt, parenting, and domestic abuse. This is done through a 1:1 setting, through workshops and social activities. We also have good knowledge of other specialist services and are able to signpost women to relevant agencies. We work with women to build resilience and develop strengths that enable individuals to move away from damaging lifestyles.


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