I Want to Tell You
I am stuck like a book on a hook
for you
because on the day I met you
the sun shone from tree to tree
and apples and pears fell down
the stairs
I want to tell you
something that might change you
and the world.
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This lovely poem is by Rob who is a volunteer in Mowbray Gardens Library and a member of Rotherham Flourish.
I Want to Tell You
I am stuck like a book on a hook
for you
because on the day I met you
the sun shone from tree to tree
and apples and pears fell down
the stairs
I want to tell you
something that might change you
and the world.
When I say I want to feel normal everyone asks what that would look like, and I have no idea....
I wanted to tell you a story. I wanted to tell you about a little girl. I wanted to call...
Sat alone In a field Surrounded by fields The leaves are green They sway in the wind The grass green...