Rob Barnett: Gardening for Recovery Event

Rob Barnett reports on Gardening for Recovery Event: a joint creative event with Oasis and CAST

2 onions

What better way to spend a summer afternoon than sitting outside in nature and creating works of art?

Okay, it wasn’t quite as warm as it may have been. But this is an English summer so we can’t ask for too much.


Around 20 people sat in the occasional shade of a large tree in the grounds of Fulwood House, to draw produce of the Oasis (gardening group) or whatever caught their eye.

table full of vegetables

This time Oasis’s gardening for recovery event saw Sheffield’s Creative Arts Support Team (CAST) join in, with a focus on creating art.

drawing with artist

After harvesting things like tomatoes and runner beans, partly to draw, partly to take home and enjoy later, we did our best to do justice to the produce on paper.


There was plenty of chat over mugs of tea and coffee as we drew and coloured. Whether experienced artists or beginners, it was relaxing and satisfying to focus on the task in hand.


drawing with artist

Not only did we have our artwork to take away, we had some delicious-looking fruit and vegetables to sample at home.


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