Community Stories: What works for you?

  • 1 min read

For last month's theme we invited our community to share ‘what works for you?’…

photo looking up into trees

What do you do to help your mental health? It could be anything. It might even be something you hadn’t recognised before you were asked the question! Sometimes it’s nice to sit back and think ‘what works for me?’ And also think about what works for others. We gave you the opportunity to share your discoveries with this month’s theme: ‘what works for you’. We got some lovely responses from the community:

“I always loved to sing. One day mum came to a kitchen where I was washing up and singing. She asked :’What’s wrong?” “Why are you asking, Mum?'”Because I noticed that whenever you got problem you start to sing”. I didn’t know that. Now I am away from my family, from my friends and it is very difficult for me. So when I found Rock Choir I decided to join. Now I can sing, meet people,socialize and take part in events to raise money for people in need. It is so good. It makes me feel better.” – Malgorzata

“Music, walking, talking with a friend, keeping busy, all help me get through a dark moment when I feel like wallowing in negative thoughts.” – Juliet

“Being in nature. Looking at the trees and plants in changing season. Also doing a food you can forage event! Yoga that’s about breathing and connecting to your body. And seeing a bigger world beyond own anxiety x” – Abigail

“Journaling, long-term talking therapy, having creating outlets, meditation, introspection, working part time (having time and the privilege to heal).” – Salma

“Keeping busy helps my #mentalhealth but not just being busy for busy sake. What helps is maintaining activity & my self-efficacy thro stuff that a) gets me out of the house & b) gives me that inner feeling of worth & usefulness. That’s why #volunteering was so important for me.” – Richard

“I think that writing poems has helped my mental health. Helps me put things down in words and put my thoughts into a particular form.” – Stacey

“Channelling my thoughts through my poetry and artwork alongside others at CAST groups and the Artists gatherings at Edisons…” – Tony

“Blogging definitely helps me, but before that just keeping a diary” – Sarah

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