Community Stories: Food and Mood

  • 1 min read

In February we asked our community for their thoughts on all things 'food and mood'!

Community Stories: Food and Mood

February’s theme was Food and Mood. We all need food and nutrition; we can safely say that we definitely have that in common! But do we have the same relationship with food? We asked you to write about all things food and mood. Our likes, dislikes, cultural needs, dietary needs, traditions, routines and many more factors make our relationship with food unique and interesting. A couple of you got involved and one of our Creative Content Writer’s, Cerowyn Browne, visited Foodhall Sheffield in light of this theme.

‘Oh yeah, my favourite foods definitely help lift my mood. We’re talking the all time classic: a full fryer load of homemade chips, two fried eggs, a full tin of beans and three rounds of bread and butter with lashings of tommy sauce! That’s when I’m back at my parents, the nostalgic vibe.
Here in Sheffield, we’re talking a paneer karahi curry plus sundries.
Mood is definitely related to food, I mean there’s only one letter difference between them! ??’ – Dharmamitra

‘Yep! So much joy when I get food after Ive been hungry. ?. Last night we found a cafe called Hasty Tasty food at 10pm and it was amazing’ – Jo

‘Cake Rocks !! ??’ – Steph

Our featured organisation this month, Foodhall:

Cerowyn Browne: Foodhall – what’s it all about?




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