‘I love to craft. I’m just learning to craft especially old jars, how to decorate them. I love going to craft fairs and mentally find it very uplifting.
I watch videos mainly as I have Pinterest on my phone, and I often watch on Instagram for anything to watch about crafting. I don’t get out much now,due to physical disability but I watch mainly videos on the internet now.’ – Tracey
‘I love to paint things from nature such as simple leaves…’ -Louise

‘Mine is writing poems. Writing poems helps me put down how I feel and also vent. Even when I’m talking about something else entirely. I’m not artistic. I can put colours on to paper but that’s where my ability to paint ends!’ – Stacey
‘Singing and writing songs helps enormously. Playing bass is therapeutic because I have to be “mindful” and repetitive actions are soothing. Drawing, crochet, reading, kickboxing and swimming have all helped in the past too. Freedom of expression is vital imo’ – Sharon
‘I handmake jewellery and handknit scarves and tea cosies. The first earrings were made from my pet parrots feathers. You will often see me in the local pub either knitting or hand making boxes. I make little boxes out of clean cardboard like a cereal box to sell my earrings in.’ Cheryl

’Dog walking
Amazon Music
Re-watching #Skyfall
?’ – Kate
‘Running and cross stitch …. the later is not a description of an angry, painful run ….;-)’ – Victoria
‘Crochet! Very calming and helps me relax’ – Thaleia Project
‘Creativity is a mindset not just a hobby. Trying to look at the world differently and creatively is relief from negative thoughts. Always looking for inspiration to draw, paint, photograph etc. Is creativity in action!’ – Lucia
‘Singing! I joined a local choir @bevoxuk. Brilliant as therapy, as you can lose yourself in the music during weekly rehearsals. Plus a way of meeting people.’ – James
‘Swing dancing! or just dancing round my kitchen!’ -Vikki
Juliet McDonald
‘Here is a bull I made a while ago. Another great thing about making these is that last year I was able to give Bluebell Hospice 5 different animals. I thought they could sell or raffle them, but they put them up on the walls instead. How lovely to hear that’ – Juliet

….’This is one of the animal heads I recently made. I’m making a highland cow right now. I love the feeling of having created something, and while I am doing it the concentration helps to stop my thoughts from straying to things I really don’t want to think about.’ – Juliet

‘A few drawings i did not so long back! I like to draw quotes and sayings that motivate me x’ – Megan

‘Just let you know that four weeks ago I got my first lot of poem books that I have written
Sheffield Flourish this is my book I am selling to raise money for the charities I volunteer with which are Sheffield Royal Society for the blind, Rotherham sight and sound, Sheffield talking news and guide dogs
My book is on sale for £4.00 with all the profits going to the four charities
I have included the poem that I wrote about Sheffield flourish in it’ – Mary