Catherine Maheswaran: Lady Luck Is Always on My Side

Catherine shares her reflection on the blessings in her life through poetry.  Cath is a regular at our CAST writing and storytelling group.

Lady Luck Is Always on My Side

My newly ordered red t shirt will arrive tomorrow
Pink petunias and yellow begonias in outdoor pots
The sun has shone almost endlessly this summer
It has been warm enough to walk outside each day
I’ll make pizza with red pepper pieces for tea

Walked for an hour and a half this morning
I have done that each day this week
Each Wednesday I go to a combined writing class
I always find an interesting topic on which to write
Most weeks I have a trip to Church

My husband and I moved to Sheffield a long time ago
We had met as students forty years ago
The Peak District is on our doorstep
Walks are easy to find and to do without difficulty
I am able to have regular and reliable chats with my mother

She has now reached the age of eighty-eight years old
Both she and my father were keen hikers
That must have been where I gained the interest from
I was born in Mirfield, West Yorkshire before
Moving to the silence of Shropshire

Those wonders are all a feature of my life
I have been able to have a life of happiness
A major illness came upon me thirty-four years ago
But I have always been able to live amicably

Lady Luck is always on my side!

Catherine Maheswaran                 05/09/2022

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