Vote For Us!!

Sheffield Flourish Needs Your Support in the My Favourite Voucher Codes Charity Poll this March. 

My Favourite Voucher Codes are a voucher code website that donates 20% of they’re profits to charity every month!  

They have a double mission; saving people money with great discounts while providing much needed support to as many good causes as possible.  

Saving and Raising, at the same time!  

So far they have raised over £64k for a selection of charities from Crisis UK to the RSPCA, TreeAid to Women’s Aid. Every month they donate to a new good cause. 

Each month My Favourite Voucher Codes runs a poll, where members of the public can vote on which featured charity they think should win 20% of the monthly profits.  

Voting is easy, just click on the My Favourite Voucher Codes homepage Then scroll down until you see the poll on the right hand side, (or the bottom of the page on your mobile). Then click the little circle next to Sheffield Flourish, to vote. Anyone can vote, you don’t need to use any vouchers, and it doesn’t cost anything, but you only get one vote, so use it wisely! A new poll starts at the beginning of each month. 

Massive thanks to everyone who votes for Sheffield Flourish. If we win, the donation will go towards the work we do around mental health services in Sheffield. We have a weekly timetable of groups which will all benefit from the donation, from the Brunsmeer Awareness Football Cub, to open Door Music, Oasis Gardening group, to Cast art, and creative writing groups. 

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