Submissions open! CAST's exhibition A Door to Somewhere

Someone walking into a lighted door

It’s on! We’re pleased to announce submissions are now open for CAST’s exhibition, A Door to Somewhere  (which is the brilliant theme chosen by our community).

So what happens next? If you’d like to take part, please read the submission guidelines, and let us know if you’d like to submit something by emailing us at [email protected]. We’re also looking for postcard artwork, have a look at the submission guidelines to find out more!

You’ll be able to hand in your finished artwork with a submission form in September, just in time for the exhibition which is taking place from 16th to 22nd October at 35 Chapel Walk Gallery.

CAST cards

We’re also looking for artwork to make into cards, which will be sold around the city centre and used to fund our work.

If you’d like to submit some work please send us:

  • Photos of the artwork which would look good on a 127mm x 179mm card (if you aren’t sure just go ahead and submit)
  • Your name and contact details
  • A short quote about your artwork, why you do art, or what inspires you

Submissions can be sent to [email protected] but we need them in by September 10th. By submitting you give permission for us to use your artwork in cards we’ll sell to fund our charitable aims, they’ll be sold with your name and quote around the city.

Unfortunately we won’t be able to use all the images which are sent in, but we’ll let you know either way. We have examples of CAST cards  on this website if you’d like to see the ones which have been chosen before.

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