Job opportunity: Digital Community Connector

We have received funding through the Good Things Foundation to run a pilot project that builds a network of digital champions within partner organisations that support people living with poor mental health. We are looking for an Associate to act as a Digital Community Connector, recruiting and supporting Digital Champions based within partner organisations, and assisting them to co-design and develop digital activity to embed within their own organisation.

This is a pilot project, therefore emphasis will be placed on testing approaches and learning from what has successfully worked. The Associate will be supported by and work alongside Sheffield Flourish’s Volunteer and Community Engagement Coordinator and our Digital Ambassadors.

Associate Requirements:

  • The Associate will work alongside the Volunteer and Community Engagement Coordinator to identify and engage 5 partner organisations to take part in the pilot
  • With the Volunteer and Community Engagement Coordinator, you will co-facilitate a mental health digital inclusion workshop at each partner organisation and recruit up to 7 Digital Champions from participants
  • Through email, telephone check-ins and meet-ups, you will support the Digital Champions to develop digital activity to embed within their organisation.
  • You will support with the monitoring and recording of outcomes and feedback on findings and learnings from the pilot
  • You will work in accordance with the culture, values and policies of Sheffield Flourish.

The timescale for this project is February to December 2019 and we estimate a time commitment of around 1 day per week, however we can be flexible around how you organise your time to suit your needs and the needs of the partners/Digital Champions.

We will pay a fee of £4000, all-inclusive of your time and will discuss suitable instalments of payment.

Associate attributes, skills, knowledge and experience:

  • People with personal experience of living with mental health problems will be looked on favourably
  • Excellent knowledge of digital tools and how they can be utilised within support services
  • Experience in facilitating groups / confidence in speaking in front of a group
  • Coaching skills
  • Experience of monitoring and evaluating support activity
  • Good time management

To Express and Interest

Please send a CV and short statement explaining why you would like to be considered for the Associate opportunity to [email protected]

Deadline for expressions of interests: 6th February 2019 by 5pm

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