Flourish merch for sale!

We are really pleased to announce we’ve now got a line of goodies for sale, all raising money for the work we do. Ideal if you’re looking for an ethical gift this year.

Brunsmeer Awareness FC t-shirts

First thing’s first, our Brunsmeer Awareness t-shirts, as featured on our Lord Mayor Magid Magid:

Magid in the t-shirt

You can now buy them on ebay, and any money made goes straight to Brunsmeer Awareness FC – the brilliant mental health friendly football club.

Oasis vouchers

Oasis voucher

We’ve just released these new Oasis gardening vouchers – the ideal gift for a friend or family who has a garden or green space they’d like to spruce up. £34 for two gardeners for one hour, or £100 for 2 people for a 3 hour garden blast. Buy the normal voucher and garden blast voucher on ebay (or get in touch). All money made through contract gardening is pumped straight back into Oasis, supporting people living with mental health difficulties and distress through gardening for wellbeing.

CAST cards and postcards

Hannah's card design

In case you didn’t make it down to the CAST exhibition, CAST have launched a new  line of their lovely cards and postcards. You can pick them up in cafes around the city, or get in touch if you’d like to buy a set of 4 for £5. All proceeds go to CAST.

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