Exercise and serious mental illness: a study
Sheffield based researchers have recently published findings on a new study into physical activity for adults living with severe mental illness. The team of researchers conducted a review of research findings with the theme “Getting started with physical activity: What’s it like for people living with serious mental illness?”. You can read more about this on the White Rose website.
To celebrate the research, we have three excellent blogs to share:
- Liz Fletcher, sharing her experiences of working in mental health, and moving into supporting people with physical activity through Sport for Confidence
- Dr Helen Quirk, researcher in physical activity and health at The University of Sheffield, talking about the research
- And the fantastic video below, from Ellie Wildbore, patient ambassador and engagement and experience facilitator at Sheffield Health and Social Care. In the video Ellie talks about finding her sport, and the difference it’s made.
If you’re interested in physical activity have a look at the Sport for Confidence website, or the Sheffield Mental Health Guide.