Coronavirus and Your Mental Health

There’s lots of coverage of Coronavirus (COVID-19) at the moment and it can lead to feelings of fear and isolation, particularly if you are already struggling with your mental health. There are steps you can take to help look after yourself during these worrying and confusing times.

  • Being aware of current advice on a regular basis is important, however following constant news reports can often feel too much, so it is useful to take breaks. It’s normal to feel overwhelmed and anxious hearing rumours, so focus on good quality information only.
  • It’s important to acknowledge your feelings and look after both your physical and mental health. You can do this through sticking to your daily routine, keeping in touch with friends and family and also checking in with people who are living alone.
  • If there is a chance of you having Coronavirus you may be asked to stay away from others. This may seem daunting if you have to self-isolate so it is important to stay connected via phone calls/social media/email/skype. Maintain your daily routine as much as possible and trying new relaxation techniques can help.
  • Public health agencies and experts in all countries are working on the outbreak to ensure the availability of the best care to those affected. To reduce the spread of Coronavirus it is important to wash your hands regularly for 20 seconds in warm water using soap.

The Mental Health Foundation have put together more in-depth tips to look after your mental health which are really useful:

The World Health Organisation (WHO) have also put together some thoughtful mental health advice covering a comprehensive range of considerations. These include: ‘general population’; ‘health care workers’; ‘team leaders or managers in health facility’; ‘caretakers of children’; ‘caretakers of older adults’; and ‘people in isolation’

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